The Trinity: God is Love, Loving | One-Minute Homily

The Trinity is hard to comprehend and yet there is something about it that we all long for. Alex Hale, SJ, reflects on how the community of the Trinity speaks to our own desire to be unique members of a loving community.

My World May Be Small, but the World Is Still Huge

My World May Be Small, but the World Is Still Huge

Eric Immel, SJ, writes: “I spent more time in my room these past nearly six months that I had the previous, say, four years combined. The same is true for the number of times I’ve washed my hands. I’ve high-fived less people in the past nearly six months than was typical for me in a day pre-COVID, and I cannot count the number of times I’ve wanted to yell at people for getting too close to me, which I don’t think I’d ever thought to do before in my life.” Eric takes us on journey of a small world that opens up to something larger than previously thought.
