Are You a Weed or Wheat? | One-Minute Homily

Weeds or wheat? Too often we might look at the field of our lives and only focus on the weeds, Jesus looks at the wheat. Austin Kleman, SJ, reflects on the parable of the weeds among the wheat.

One Moment for One Thing: Learning to Discern Your Emotions

One Moment for One Thing: Learning to Discern Your Emotions

Patrick Saint-Jean, SJ, once again invites to consider another “One Moment for One Thing.” Let us discover how to get in touch with what we feel while examining our heart and soul to more clearly experience the greater glory of God in our lives and in the world around us. Pray with us once again as we move towards a deeper and clearer relationship with ourselves, hand-in-hand with God.

An Updated Resource: the TJP Curriculum Guide

An Updated Resource: the TJP Curriculum Guide

TJP has an updated resource to share! Last Spring, we debuted the TJP Curriculum Guide. This guide includes articles and videos published by TJP, organized into twenty different themes, with hyperlinks to the content. This can be useful in classrooms, for retreats, for faculty formation, or however else you might find helpful. Check out the list of themes and download the updated TJP Curriculum Guide.
