Tal vez esto es lo que pasa cuando eliges a un Papa del hemisferio sur: que a los asuntos del norte se les da de lado.

All posts by Jeremy Zipple, SJ
Fr. Jeremy Zipple, SJ, a double graduate of Boston College, is a director and writer of documentaries for National Geographic, PBS, and Discovery. He was ordained a priest in 2013.
Joined in 2013 jzipplesj@thejesuitpost.org @jzipple
3 postsGlobal Catholicism: The Church is Changing, But Not How We Might Think
Maybe this is what happens when you elect a Pope from the global South: the North’s issues get downgraded.
The Narrow Path to the Middle Class, on “Two American Families”
Jeremy Zipple – photographer, Jesuit priest, and filmmaker – on why a bleak documentary on the plight of the middle class is worth 82 minutes of your time.