Are You a Weed or Wheat? | One-Minute Homily

Weeds or wheat? Too often we might look at the field of our lives and only focus on the weeds, Jesus looks at the wheat. Austin Kleman, SJ, reflects on the parable of the weeds among the wheat.

From “I Love You” to “I Love You”: Learning to Love My Vocation

From “I Love You” to “I Love You”: Learning to Love My Vocation

“I love you” It just was the most believable utterance of that phrase I’ve ever heard, while sitting in an utterly unremarkable conference room transformed with incense and song into a place open to worship; somehow breaking through the stubborn habits of conventional self-assurance I felt forced to carry. For some, a vocation is automatic, an easy skin to fit into. For others, God’s call is great, the response is real, and yet it is something one must learn to love. Take a moment to read and pray with a reflection about my vocation, and maybe it will illuminate something about yours.

Women’s and Gender Studies is Integral to My Vocation

Women’s and Gender Studies is Integral to My Vocation

When the women’s and gender department first caught my eye, it was not just a passing, “Oh, look at that.” It was something more. It was the feeling that my mind and heart were on fire. Excited. Hopeful. Joyful. Captivated. Stirred. It felt like confirmation of what I already identified as: a feminist. The experience was what, in Jesuit lingo, we would call “consolation.” The Spirit was moving me. As I continue my studies, I continue to feel God calling me here. Read how all this has unfolded for me and my vocation, and maybe it might illuminate something in yours.
