Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King. Ian Peoples, SJ, reflects on drawing close to the king who says, "Whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me." Based on the readings for Sunday, November 22, 2020....
Cooperating with Evil: Our Complicity in the Torture of Animals
A vast majority of our animal-based foods come from the cruel practice of factory farming. Daniel Mascarenhas, SJ explores how our Catholic faith ought to inspire us to refrain from cooperating with this evil.
Why Christian Forgiveness Requires Every Christian to be a Priest
Christians are challenged to forgive daily, but could it also be a sacrament? In a follow-up to his previous article, Erin explores the relationship between forgiveness and the priestly identity of every baptized Christian.
Discerning Democracy: Navigating Civic Life with the Fourth Week of the Spiritual Exercises
Today’s heightened polarization has seemingly erected insurmountable walls in our political discourse. Concluding this miniseries, Ty Wahlbrink, SJ, suggests how we might find joy using insights in the Fourth Week meditations, even though we might still feel stuck mourning near Jesus’ tomb.
For Your Goodness – A Prayer of Gratitude in Trying Times
In the wake of recent tragedies, Brendan Busse, SJ finds himself praying for the goodness of things.
When Canaries Can’t Breathe: Sotomayor’s Justice from Below
“The life of the law has not been logic; it has been experience.” So wrote Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. in his magisterial treatment, The Common Law, nearly 140 years ago. More and more, it becomes apparent that so much of our legal system --...
In Living Color: I Am Not Black
Damian Torres-Botello, SJ is not African-American, but he is a man of color, and this is what this moment in our history says to him.
What Can Words Do?
Paddy Gilger, SJ and Matt Spotts, SJ found themselves asking what good it does to write and think in the wake of the violence experienced over the last few days.
Worth Watching: Euro Cup (and European Union) 2016
Brexit is not the only EU saga worth paying attention to. Michael Rossmann, SJ describes why you should check out Euro Cup 2016.
Yes, I saw a grizzly. But there’s more.
Garrett Gundlach, SJ’s experiences can’t be boiled down to one event. Don’t make him try.