Already but Not Yet | One-Minute Homily

Jesus tells us that we do not know the day or the hour when God’s victory in Christ will be brought to fulfillment. Brian Kemper, SJ, reflects that Christians are called to embrace God’s reign here and now. Based on the readings from the Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Talk 2: God has Given Us Gifts! | 2023 Lenten Retreat: Who do you say that I am?

In the 2nd talk of our Lenten Retreat, Damian focuses on the Principle and Foundation from the Spiritual Exercises. It is here that Ignatius tells us our goal in life and this goal helps us to understand our identity. Damian breaks open this Principle and Foundation and offers a suggestion on how we can better identify ourselves with God.

Talk 1: God Sees Potential in Everything | 2023 Lenten Retreat: Who do you say that I am?

In this first talk of our 2023 Lenten Retreat, Damian introduces the theme of the retreat: Who Do You Say That I Am? The entire retreat is about seeing more clearly who God is and who we are in God’s eyes. Damian reflects on how God created us in God’s image and so knows us immediately before even forming us.
