What was Jesus looking for in his disciples? What does he look for in us? Fr. Brian Strassburger, SJ, reflects on the faith of the fishermen that Jesus called to be disciples.
Being Creative Enough: Lessons from a Mexican Jesuit Parish on Vibrant Youth Ministry
In today’s environment, cultivating a vibrant youth ministry can feel like an uphill battle. Beto Guzmán, SJ shares insights from his work at a Mexican Jesuit parish, offering creative, hope-filled ways to make the Church a home for young people.
Sitting Down with My Dad to Talk About Synodality: Part Two
What is at the heart of the Synod on Synodality? Dan Finucane, SJ, sits down with his father, theologian Dr. Dan Finucane, to discuss Dan SJ’s experience at the Synod on Synodality.
Sitting Down with My Dad to Talk About Synodality: Part One
What is at the heart of the Synod on Synodality? Dan Finucane, SJ, sits down with his father, theologian Dr. Dan Finucane, to discuss Dan SJ’s experience at the Synod on Synodality.
Catholic 101: Praying the Our Father
The Our Father is one of the fundamental prayers of our Christian faith. It is a central part of the Mass, and it gets recited in prayer by billions of Catholics around the world every day. This contribution to the TJP Catholic 101 series looks deeper into the Lord’s Prayer to reflect on the language and meaning of this timeless prayer taught to us by Jesus himself.
What is Truth? Facebook and Twitter Can’t Decide
As the 2020 election looms, social media negotiates its role in deciding what is true.
Recap of the Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice 2019
This weekend in Washington DC was the Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice hosted by the Ignatian Solidarity Network. Two thousand students came from high schools and colleges around the country, along with a handful of international delegations. The theme for 2019 was “Radical Hope and Prophetic Action” and the event featured keynote speakers Sr. Peggy O’Neill, S.C., from the Center of Arts for Peace in El Salvador, Marcia Chatelain, Ph.D., from Georgetown University, and Reyna Montoya, CEO of Aliento.
One-Minute Homily: “The End is Near?”
As we approach Advent we hear a lot about the end, but Brian Strassburger, SJ, reminds us that every end is also a beginning in this week's One-Minute Homily. Based on the readings for Sunday, November 17. https://youtu.be/ONHjAXmnq2o The end is near! The end of the...
WATCH | Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice 2019
This weekend is the Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice, the largest annual Catholic social justice gathering in the United States. The Jesuit Post will be helping to run social media coverage of the event throughout the weekend. Make sure to check out TJP's social...
A Good Place without God?
What would it mean for a Christian to get to The Good Place?