On this Solemnity of Corpus Christi (the Body and Blood of Jesus), Christopher Smith, SJ, reminds us of the great gift that we have in the Eucharist.
Posts in Videos
The Trinity: Complex or Simple? | One-Minute Homily
Today is Holy Trinity Sunday! The concept and theology of the Trinity can be quite complex. Fr. Danny Gustafson, SJ, makes it a little simpler in this week’s One-Minute Homily.
Pentecost: A Spirit of Unity and Action | One-Minute Homily
Come Holy Spirit! On Pentecost Sunday we celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit. Tucker Redding, SJ, reflects on the Spirit’s ability to bring us together and compel us to action.
Peace I Leave with You, My Peace I Give to You | One-Minute Homily
Peace be with you! We are all in search of peace, but it seems hard to find at times. Matthew Zurcher, SJ, reminds us that Christ offers us lasting peace, a peace beyond what we can find on our own.
They Will Know We Are Christians | One-Minute Homily
How do you identify a Christian? While there might be many answers to that question, Christopher Smith, SJ, reflects on the one answer that Jesus gives in today’s gospel.
The Good Shepherd: Freedom and Following | One-Minute Homily
We typically desire to lead, not follow, but sometimes it can be freeing to let go of control. Danny Gustafson, SJ, reflects on the freedom that can be found in following the Good Shepherd.
Jesus and Peter: Loved, Forgiven, and Called | One-Minute Homily
Peter denied Jesus, but he is not held back by this mistake. After his encounter and reconciliation with Jesus on the seashore, Peter lives with bold faith. Tucker Redding, SJ, reflects on our own need to live like we’ve been forgiven.
Divine Mercy Sunday: The Greatness of God’s Mercy | One-Minute Homily
In the story of “doubting Thomas,” Jesus shows compassion and mercy on him by showing Thomas his wounds. Matthew Zurcher, SJ, reflects on the vastness of God’s mercy on Divine Mercy Sunday.
The Resurrection Changes Everything | One-Minute Homily
The Resurrection doesn’t erase our pain and confusion, but it does give us new hope. Christopher Smith, SJ, reflects on Easter Sunday and the Resurrection.
Talk 8: A Complete Joy | Lenten Retreat 2022
Happy Easter! In this final talk of our Lenten Retreat, we focus on the joy of the resurrection. The resurrection accounts remind us that Jesus meets us where we’re at to bring us to greater joy and freedom.