First time at college? Don’t worry, Ryan Duns has been there three times before. His advice will help you avoid some rookie mistakes.
Posts in Uncategorized
Can I Smoke In Church?
As it turns out, lighting up in Church is not just the punchline to a familiar Jesuit joke.
Workin’ for a Living
Sure, the day off is nice. The end of summer…not so much. But might Labor Day point us to something deeper?
You Can’t Take It With You: Armstrong(s) Edition
Parting is such sweet sorrow, especially when it’s for good. Perry Petrich profiles those who have recently gone to God in this weekly feature.
We Are…The Church!
As the new season kicks off, what might we all learn from Penn State’s recent scandal?
Ignatian Lenses on Violence
A new video from the Ignatian News Network has Paddy Gilger wondering how to look at the shootings in Aurora.
Lance Armstrong: Champ or Chump?
With an asterisk now next to Lance Armstrong’s name, Vinny Marchionni wonders: is this how heroes act?
Meme Watch: Extreme Makeover, Jesus Edition
Forget all about lolcats. Move over, Texts from Hillary. Jesus has his own meme. (Kinda.)
Africa, Ugali, & the Shattering of Categories
Having been reassigned to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, two months ago, Michael Rossmann finds that his mental suitcase has been properly mussed.
You Can’t Take It With You
Perry Petrich has a look at who’s who among the recently departed—and what they have left behind—in this new feature.