When we label a tweet #firstworldproblems, are we posturing ourselves as better off than others?
Posts in Uncategorized
The “Sneaky Hate Spiral”
A too-true comic about “one of those days” moves Brian Konzman to ponder our personal limitations.
Dark Night of the Yankees
Memories of 2001 (9/11, playoff baseball on the radio, life as an organizer) lead Joe Hoover to wonder if our world possesses any proper order.
You Can’t Take It With You: Yankees Edition
This week, Lance Armstrong’s career makes the obits for the second time this year. Oh, and the Yankees lost!
To Be A Bishop Today: An Interview with Bishop Greg O’Kelly, SJ
“The role of the bishop today is to try to present a human and caring face of the church, one that is not proud or arrogant… but still wishes to reach out in the spirit of love.”
Poetry Haters Anonymous
Lots of people hate poetry. But Tim O’Brien has found a poet who will help you hate it less.
Meme Watch: Inigo
Finish this quote: “Hello. My name is …” Slim Shady? Nope, it’s Inigo Montoya! Prepare to Die.
Priest Hits Home Run at Fenway Park
Sam Sawyer has video of a priest who went yard in Boston.
One Direction: The New British Invasion?
Perry Petrich discovers at least one way in which One Direction blows away the Beatles.
“The Princess Bride” Turns 25
Quang Tran recently discovered “The Princess Bride,” right in time for the film’s 25th anniversary. He thinks you should, too.