Happy Valentine’s Day! It’s also Throwback Thursday here at TJP, and Vinny Marchionni has some cultural artifacts no matter what the state of your heart this Feb. 14.
Posts in Uncategorized
“Now is a very acceptable time”: Resources for Lent
Googling “Lent” may get you more than you bargained for — Sam Sawyer helps sort through the options.
Do Something Worth Talking About: Screen Free Challenge
Get off your behind and Do Something Worth Talking About. Join us in the TJP Lenten challenge.
A New Lent, and a New (Lunar) New Year
Often, the Lunar New Year and the start of Lent overlap. This year is no different. Quang Tran considers the common ground that the two share.
Questions, A Quest, and Quinoa
Quentin Dupont considers the consequences and controversies of the economics of globalization and the little Andean grain at the middle of it all.
Worth Reading: The Economics of Immigration
What happens to the economy when immigration reform hits it? If you’re interested in an answer, Nate Romano’s found some things that are worth reading.
You Can’t Take It With You: Big Government Edition
It’s the end of Saturday Mail Delivery as we know it. Do you feel fine?
Mental Health in America
Seeking the root of the rash of mass shootings in the United States (31 of them since Columbine in ’99), Jason Welle uncovers a national lack of attention to the mentally ill.
Worth Reading: French Bishops On Love and Gay Marriage
When it comes to our love lives… “It’s complicated.” Whether gay or straight, they’re fraught with tensions and vulnerabilities.
Worth Reading: A Contraception Compromise
Michael Rozier takes a quick look at who’s saying what around the new contraception compromise.