We could all use a pick-me-up in the midst of the coronavirus and round-the-clock news coverage. Here is a hodge-podge of positivity. Some signs of Easter surrounding us. A comical collection of videos, poems, art, and Tweets. Something to put a smile on your face.
Posts in Spirituality
I Used to Hate ‘Standing Room Only’ Masses, Now I Want It More Than Ever
Churches are empty these days. Even if they open up again soon, the norms of physical distancing will necessarily limit the way that we pray together. No more hugs and handshakes. No more chalices. No more songbooks, holy water fonts, or donuts after Mass. At least, not yet.
Signs of Easter: Seeking Good News Around Us
Is it really the Easter season? Despite the coronavirus pandemic gripping the world, there are signs of Easter around us. The Jesuit Post is launching a new series for the rest of the Easter season to share stories of hope and joy that we encounter in the world. Do you need some of that in your life today? Check out the first article in the series!
On Earth Day, My Grandma’s Dream Reminds Me to Let God Be the Gardener
Gardening does not need to be about perfection; it can help us remember that God is the one who is in control.
I Can’t Love God, I Can Only Want to Love God
A poem from Chris Williams, S.J. opens us up to understanding a little more deeply what it is to love God and to receive God’s love in return. Williams says, “I think a parent knows best / What it means to love someone purely, / Not for what they get from them.”
Struggling with Live-Stream? A Different Way to Have Liturgy at Home
With sheltering-in-place during the coronavirus pandemic, it can feel like the only option for liturgy is watching a live-stream Mass on a screen. But the Mass isn’t the only form of liturgy in the Catholic Church. What do you know about the Liturgy of the Hours? It’s a form of liturgy that can be prayed anywhere, with anyone. And it’s a very participatory prayer, which makes it great for small groups and families. Learn more about it here, along with how you can put it into practice in your own home!
Easter Doesn’t Offer Sudden and Final Jolts of Perfect Realization
If the spiritual life is learning to wake up, or to see, even, this would imply a gradual process. Confusion, anxiety, disorientation, and grief are not excluded from the Easter experience.
The Fourth Week: The Destination of Our Journey | Seeking God: A Jesuit Retreat
The grace of the Fourth Week is to enter into the joy and consolation of Jesus as he savors the glory of the Resurrection.
Our Good Friday ‘Wake Up Call’
On this Good Friday, Jesuit rapper, Michael Martinez S.J. produced a music video in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Third Week: Where the Lord is Leading Us | Seeking God: A Jesuit Retreat
https://youtu.be/ye8FcM5Kdn4 The grace of the Third Week is to have sorrow and compassion for Jesus, to suffer with him because he goes to his passion for us. This episode begins by discussing the Paschal Path, which is where the Lord is leading us, and a path that...