I love musicals. I love watching them, discussing them, debating about them, criticizing them, comparing them. I work out listening to soundtracks from esoteric musicals from the 1960s. I appeared in musicals every year from when I was 5 to 22, and wrote a musical in lieu of a philosophy final. God can find us wherever we are, and God found me right where I love to be: in a theatre.
Posts in Spirituality
Re-Release of “Know Justice, Know Peace: A Jesuit Antiracism Retreat”
February 1st is the beginning of Black History Month. In order to help mark this month, The Jesuit Post is re-releasing “Know Justice, Know Peace: A Jesuit Antiracism Retreat.” Our re-release of the retreat includes translations of all twelve talks into both Spanish and French. Join us this month as we continue our process of conversion toward antiracism, in our own hearts and in our society at large.
The TJP Curriculum Guide: January 2021 Update
Since 2012, The Jesuit Post has offered a Jesuit, Catholic perspective on the contemporary world. Our team is comprised of young Jesuits seeking God in all things. Our work focuses on both sacred and secular issues because we are convinced that God’s does too. Over...
Sometimes I Pray for the Grace of Being Less Productive
For the first time during my break, I was able to concentrate on something. I began sketching a chubby leg, two hands hovering above a halo. This was the infant Jesus that would become the object of my prayer over the Christmas season. What I created also became my prayer, a prayer to be less active and more present.
Wrestling with questions of vocation? Watch the movie “Soul”
The newest pixar movie, Soul, raises the question about each person’s purpose. It deals especially with the question many of us ask ourselves, “what if I choose the wrong thing?”
Inauguration Day: A Prayer for Transition
Today is Inauguration Day. So much has happened leading up to this day that we offer this moment to God, to bless, to protect, and to guide this day into the way of peace. Pray with us today as our country takes time to transition and change.
What Dr. King and St. Ignatius Taught Me About Discernment and Anti-Racism
How reading Where Do We Go From Here? by Dr. King helped me understand Ignatian Spirituality and anti-racism.
I Am a Mere Disciple and This Is How I Know
What is discipleship? What is mere discipleship? The opening line of my newest poem, “Mere Discipleship,” says that “mere discipleship sheds easy excuses, burns hot and bright,” and that line is just the beginning of unpacking a process of following Christ. Are you a disciple? Are you a mere disciple? How do you know? Pray with me in today’s reflection and discover how I uncover that I am a mere disciple.
For the Love of a Patient After My Own Heart
I arrived early to be an earwitness to the night shift’s report to the dayshift. I admired how the nurse with whom I was to work that day seamlessly received the report that I could only, at best, make half sense of. Knowledge decanted from the mind of one nurse to the next distilling indispensable bits from any distasteful dregs about the previous night. The final tipoff from the drained night-nurse was her impression that our heart transplant patient would soon begin to recover consciousness as the effect of the heavy drugs diminished. It turns out this night would be about two hearts.
Goals Set the World on Fire: Messi Nets 644
Messi recently scored his 644th goal for Spanish soccer team FC Barcelona. That goal overcame the record for “most goals for a single club,” formerly held by soccer legend, Pelé. Jesuit soccer fanatic, Ian Peoples, thinks that’s a milestone worth celebrating.