Philip Nahlik, SJ shows us how he drew his way into friendship with Jesus
Posts in Spirituality
A Deacon’s Diary : What Did Your Ordination Feel Like?
In his second installment, Steve Molvarec, SJ grapples with ontological change over pizza and beer
Jesuit 101: Ignatian Contemplation, Encountering God Through Our Imagination
Ignatian contemplation gives us the opportunity to bring scripture to life through our imagination. Learn more about this form of prayer and get some helpful tips in this latest entry into our “Jesuit 101” series.
What is death? Learning to Die with a Friend
What is death? Sometimes we learn the answer to that question when one of our loved ones dies. Read about what one Jesuit learned from his friend, brother, and mentor, Fr. Michael Christiana, passed away earlier this year.
Facing a Firing Squad, Would You Call Out To Christ the King?
Blessed Miguel Pro, SJ’s life challenges us to respond to Christ’s call, even in the most dire of circumstances.
Consider the Sunflower: The Parable We Need in Dark Times
This pandemic can feel like a darkness that won’t ever end. That’s why the sunflower is such a great teacher of what we must do in such times: turn to the light.
Encountering God’s Heart in Men Behind Bars
Spending the summer ministering to men behind bars reminded me of what a religious sister once told me: “God doesn’t judge people; God cares for people.”
A Deacon’s Diary: Life as An Almost Deacon
In his inaugural Deacon’s Diary, Steve Molvarec, SJ, writes: someone asked me: “How long does it take?” I replied: “I’ve been a Jesuit for nine years. And have less than two weeks until diaconate.” He said: “That’s a really long time.”
The Home of Hearts: A Place of Welcome to All
Like any home, we may hear of the unpleasant experiences of those who attempt to enter. We can then ask ourselves, what can help soften our hearts?
Music Release: Recollections
Aric Serrano, SJ, released a new collection of music, Recollections. He offers us those tracks along with his motivation for writing.