In college, Joe loved to man the playlist at the party. For Lent this year, he offers a selection of tunes to guide you through these forty days. Bookmark it, and return each week.
Posts in Spirituality
Lessons from a Canine Spiritual Master
Canela, a four-legged spiritual master, has been helping me grow in religious life. Here are some of the lessons she’s teaching me.
The Vine and the Branches: An Online Lenten Retreat
Lent is almost here and we have a way to help you pray throughout the season. David Kiblinger, SJ, will be giving this year’s Online Lenten Retreat. A new talk will be released every week starting on March 5th. This year’s theme is “The Vine and the Branches.” Join us!
When Can I Judge My Neighbor’s Lenten Fast?
During Lent, St. Ignatius once threatened to throw out any Jesuit who did one little thing. It’s probably not what you expect.
How Julian of Norwich is Helping Me Endure the Pandemic
It’s been almost two years since the official declaration of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Stress and anxiety are at an all time high. What does a 14th century mystic have to teach us?
Who are the Church?
The pandemic and the Synod on Synodality confront us with a question: who are the Church? Our answer matters.
The Saints of Color Novena
The Catholic Church is rich with saints and witnesses that inspire us towards holiness, righteousness, and greater charity. Join us starting February 20th for a Saints of Color Novena video series, presented by a team of lay people, priests, and religious.
At the end of 2021, I didn’t feel ready for a retreat, Jesus found me anyway
Sometimes the most difficult moments of our lives are the ones where we feel closest to Jesus. First-time author Dickson found that out on a recent retreat.
St. Ignatius’s Principle and Foundation
St. Ignatius’s Principle and Foundation can help us order our lives and our goals toward that is most important.
Catholic 101: Bible Basics
The Bible is the best-selling book of all time and a fundamental part of our faith, but it can be intimidating. Brian Strassburger, SJ, addresses some questions about the Bible to help you feel more comfortable picking it up.