I knelt in the front pew, watching the rest of the congregation pass by to receive Communion. I had spent a majority of the Mass quietly crying off-and-on. As my dad walked by, he smiled and warmly patted me on the cheek, tears running down his own face. I felt as if...
Posts in Faith & Family
For My Father, With Love
Parents change. As Damian Torres-Botello, SJ, considers that change, he realizes that he has discovered the prayer of his father.
TJP Video: Jesuit Mother’s Day 2017
Jesuits wish a Happy Mother’s Day to their Mothers around the country and the globe. AMDG!
What Mom Taught Me About Mother’s Day
What makes Mom so important?
Like Mother, Like Son: On Food and Lent
Each year, some people give up things for Lent. Damian Torres-Botello, SJ, offers his take on food, mothers, and his Lenten sacrifice.
Home for Christmas: Starting Over
At Christmas Keith Maczkiewicz, SJ met his nieces again, for the first time.
A Christmas Family
Christmas can be a time for family, but sometimes those families aren’t always traditional. Damian Torres-Botello, SJ explores how his Christmas family has grown.
To Mom: Thanks
Heading home for Thanksgiving, Eric Immel, SJ recalls a short-lived food fight and his mother’s loving response.
Turkey with a Side of Politics
Going home for Thanksgiving? Dreading discussing the election with your family? Danny Gustafson, SJ is here to help.
I Call It Like I See It
Garrett Gundlach, SJ was recruited to announce his school’s Friday football games. Somehow he hasn’t been fired yet.