In his Jesuit Post debut, Dan Dixon highlights the importance of beauty, the transformative power of education, and the inspiring work of a Fe y Alegría school.
Posts in Current Events
Vinny Marchionni SJ offers a tribute to the sportscaster who was as cool as the other side of a pillow.
The Articles from 2014 That Made Me Think, Laugh, and Cry
Michael Rossmann loves talking about what he has read recently. Here he recaps the best he read in 2014 and invites you to make your own recommendations.
‘Tis the Season for Cookies
Advent. Traditions. Cookies. Jason Downer SJ investigates.
A Frat Boy’s Confession: An Open Letter to the Fraternity Men of America
Unwittingly and with the best of intentions, I was an enabler of violence…
In the Kingdom of the Enemy: Reading the Torture Report
Sin and violence has its own terrible internal logic, and the torture report shows us that we’re trapped in it.
Between #BlackLivesMatter and #AllLivesMatter
#Hashtags matter. Sam Sawyer on being called to conversion.
Observations from Ferguson
Matt Wooters, SJ and Louie Hotop, SJ share their experiences from Monday night in Ferguson, Missouri.
5 Tips for Riding Public Transit
Our own Alex Placke, SJ, asks how we can engage with life in between our destinations.
A Dream Deferred (No Longer?)
Marcos Gonzales wonders what it may mean when a dream deferred is finally a real possibility.