With funeral processions visible in the streets, Conan reflects on the liturgical value of the song “Remember Me” from Coco.
Posts in Current Events
Soccer Brought Me Closer to My Brother. Imagine what the World Cup Could Do.
Reflecting on a fraternal love of soccer, Ty wonders what reconciling possibilities the world’s largest sporting event might have.
Does Your Car Show Love to Your Neighbor?
There are many reasons to prefer one kind of car or truck over others, but one we often don’t consider is the difference among cars in protecting pedestrians.
Bill McKibben: We must learn to “fit back inside creation”
In an exclusive interview, 350.org’s Bill McKibben offers worries, hopes, and his advice for getting through to tomorrow.
The Ignatian Family Teach-In celebrates 25 years rooted in a faith that does justice
As the Ignatian Family Teach-In celebrates its 25th anniversary, it continues to emphasize the legacy of the past so that we might learn how to build a better future.
Skeptical of synodality? I saw how much we need it in Belize this summer.
Immersed in an unfamiliar culture in Central America, William found his eyes opened to the gift of synodality Pope Francis keeps insisting we must inculcate throughout the Church.
Catholic 101: The Doctrine of Discovery
Critics faulted Pope Francis for not referencing this long-standing controversy when he visited Canada this summer. What is the Doctrine of Discovery? And why were people so upset?
Consolations and Desolations in a Country in Crisis
Lebanon is a country in deep crisis, but a street-level view tells a more complicated story. Andrew Milewski shares his experiences of Beirut from this past summer.
Catholic 101: What is Vatican II?
The Second Vatican Council was a major event in the life of the Church, but do you know what actually happened?
I wouldn’t be a Jesuit if it weren’t for St. Francis of Assisi
On the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, Mark reflects on the ways Franciscan spirituality seeded and nurtured his Jesuit vocation.