After a month of struggle, Sebastian finally arrived at his new Jesuit mission. The people who greeted him there responded to the murders of two Jesuits in a way that surprised him: by dancing.
Posts in Current Events
“We are killing one another”: The crisis in Peru
Nino reports on the devastating tragedies currently tearing through Peruvian society. Reflecting on Antigone, he proposes a better way of living with one another.
“Nos estamos matando entre hermanos” – La crisis en Peru
Nino nos informa sobre las tragedias devastadoras que está atravesando la sociedad peruana. Reflexionando sobre Antígona, nos propone una mejor manera de vivir unos con otros.
Viktor Frankl, Oskar Schindler, and a Call to Remember
On International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Ian Peoples reflects on two different experiences of the Holocaust to find meaning and hope in the midst of unspeakable darkness.
The Jesuit Border Podcast Season 3 Study Guide
In the third season of the Jesuit Border Podcast, Frs. Brian and Louie get to know those helping migrants in the Rio Grande Valley and beyond. This guide can help you use the series for classroom teaching, group discussion, or deeper personal reflection.
Integral Ecology Lessons from Chiapas’s Tzeltal people
Do you know what ‘integral ecology’ means? Pope Francis talks about its importance in his landmark encyclical “Laudato Si,” written in 2015. Learn how an indigenous community is living out a vision of integral ecology to uphold not only their culture but creation as well.
The Legacy of Pope Benedict XVI: 1927-2022
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI died on December 31, 2022. A prayerful scholar and a humble shepherd, Benedict dedicated his life to knowing Jesus. David Paternostro, SJ, reflects on his legacy.
Silence Is Not an Option in Matters of Life and Death
Being pro-life and vegan might seem incompatible, but Daniel Mascarenhas argues that defense of life must be consistent.
This Advent, Embrace the Silence and Grow Closer to Our Newborn Savior
As we celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Noah invites us into his own experience of prayer with Mary. His experience can be a guide for you in this busy season.
In Morocco, a few brave saints plant seeds for the future
The nightly news offers stories of migrant families struggling for survival. Arriving in Morocco, Danilo was shocked to find something else: hope.