Nuns on Twitter were easily more entertaining than Sunday’s Super Bowl. Hear what they had to say.
Posts in Current Events
Moral Theology at a Crossroads
Charlie Camosy asks: Is moral theology in a crisis?
“Open Wide Our Hearts”
US bishops: Racism is a life issue.
“They Shall Not Grow Old”: Comrades Through Time
An intimate and personal WWI documentary from “Lord of the Rings” director Peter Jackson.
The Church United at FOCUS’ SEEK
There’s more that unites us, especially in divisive times.
“Men in Black” and Ignatian Spirituality
How a 21-year old movie is helping one high school teacher practice Ignatian Spirituality.
TJP Reads: Book Recommendations of 2018 and 2019
Books are on the rise – here’s what we’re reading.
“A Christmas Without Tinsel”
A dark Christmas is still a real Christmas
Honduran Migrant Caravans: Interview with Iolany Pérez of Radio Progreso
Another migrant caravan is in the works, some 15,000 strong, leaving Jan. 15.
“I Don’t Love My Country”
What do you love when you love your country?