Posts in Current Events

Centering the Lives of People Enslaved to the Jesuits: Black History, Memory, and Reconciliation

Centering the Lives of People Enslaved to the Jesuits: Black History, Memory, and Reconciliation

Most existing histories of Jesuit slaveholding prioritize the actions and voices of Jesuit slaveholders, and not the people they held in bondage. Ayan Ali tells about her research with the Jesuits’ Slavery, History, Memory, and Reconciliation Project which seeks to address this historical bias by conducting extensive historical research with an intentional focus on the lives of enslaved people.

For a Church That is Unafraid to Welcome Black People

For a Church That is Unafraid to Welcome Black People

A certain memory of Peter Claver is often used by Catholics to distance themselves from actually engaging in ministry or relationships with Black Americans. Yet this false image of Claver, rather than absolving Catholics of their responsibilities towards Black people, is rather an even more scathing indictment of our indifference. Our image of Claver is a call to all of us Catholics to be who he was not.

5 Takeaways from SEEK21

5 Takeaways from SEEK21

Every other year, the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) hosts its SEEK conference that draws thousands of young Catholics together to encounter Christ and share the Gospel. As a virtual event this year, SEEK21 was actually the largest it’s ever been, with 27,000 participants from 20 countries on 6 continents. Check out our 5 key takeaways.
