As we enter the final days of Advent, Patrick takes a closer look at a popular Gospel passage that may offer some clues as to what may have been the first seven words of Jesus.
Posts in Holidays
This Advent, Embrace the Silence and Grow Closer to Our Newborn Savior
As we celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Noah invites us into his own experience of prayer with Mary. His experience can be a guide for you in this busy season.
The Feast of Corpus Christi: An Incarnation of Love
The bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. What does that mean for us?
Does God see me? The Incarnation and Nativity provide the answer.
When we feel overwhelmed or insignificant, we might ask, “Does God see me?” Through the Incarnation and the Nativity, God gives us an answer.
Jesus’ Birth Today: Imagining the Nativity
Nativity sets are everywhere, but that shouldn’t make us forget the reality of the circumstances of Christ’s birth. Hope is being born where we least expect it.
What Child is This? Or rather, What Children are These?
To explore the mystery of the Incarnation, Philip draws, quite literally, on his experience working with children in the Jesuit novitiate.
This Christmas, Let’s End the Violence On Our Dinner Plates.
The idea of billions of sentient creatures slaughtered to satisfy our gastronomic wants around the holidays should give us pause. There are no good reasons for eating animal products as part of holiday traditions.
Can you hear me? Sometimes prayer feels like a Zoom meeting
In his first article, a Jesuit in Peru wonders if virtual teaching and a favorite Christmas song have something to teach him about unanswered prayers.
This Advent, Prepare Your Heart for Jesus by Changing How You Pray
Kicked out of his usual classroom, Patrick Hyland, SJ remembered his summers mowing lawns. The memories offered an unexpected spiritual encouragement.
How must the Church grieve those who die alone in the desert?
On All Souls’ Day, Michael Petro explores what it has meant for him to publicly grieve a person he never met.