The hotly-contested “Poland Speech” shows why Trump is palatable to the Church’s right wing.
Posts in Global Catholicism
Pope Francis: The World is Not Round
In a globalized world, how can Catholics better dispose themselves for meaningful cross-cultural encounters?
Herramientas afiladas, vulnerabilidad, y dignidad
Andrew Hanson, SJ comparte historias de la peluquería migratoria.
Sharp objects, vulnerability, and dignity
Andrew Hanson, SJ shares stories from the migrating barber shop.
Pope Francis’ Revolution
Has there been a “reform of the reform”?
Learning to Rejoice with Refugees
Joe Simmons, SJ learned that Jesuits can’t do it all on his visit to the Middle East. Thank God for that!
Guadalupe: Cómo “Hacer América Grandiosa de Nuevo”
¿Quieres una América grandiosa? Nuestra Señora también.
Guadalupe: How to Make America Great Again
Want to make America great? So does Our Lady.
The Living Example of Peter-Hans Kolvenbach
Jesuits around the world are remembering Peter Hans Kolvenbach, the previous Superior General who just passed away. Here, Tony Homsy, SJ recounts memories from living with him in Lebanon.
Two Parties are Better Than One
Don’t like your choices in today’s election? At least you have a choice, Brian Strassburger, SJ, reminds us.