What happened at the Pre-Synod for the Youth?
Posts in Global Catholicism
Living Lent and Easter in China
Recent events in China remind us that hope in the Resurrection is sometimes all we have.
Catholic Guide to 2018
Get out your calendar! Time for the Top 10 Catholic Events to look forward to in 2018.
Cristo Rey, Guadalupe Reina
Andrew Hanson SJ, allows his students to share the importance of Guadalupe.
Los Mártires Jesuitas de El Salvador: Lecciones para los Fieles
¿Qué podemos aprender de los 6 Jesuitas y 2 mujeres asesinados en El Salvador en 1989?
The Jesuit Martyrs of El Salvador: Lessons to the Faithful
What can we learn from the 6 Jesuits and 2 women who were murdered in El Salvador in 1989?
Mary: Mother of the Church
In his TJP debut, David Kiblinger digs deeper into the title and devotion of Mary: Mother of the Church.
From Reformation to Reconciliation
We look ahead united in the love of Christ.
Will the real St. Peter Claver please stand up?
For the feast of St. Peter Claver, Henoch Derbew, SJ, considers whether his life is the best inspiration for racial reconciliation today.
The Deep Dive of Cross-Cultural Immersion
From his life abroad, Brian Strassburger, S.J. reflects on the challenges and graces of taking the deep dive into a new language and culture.