Keith Maczkiewicz, SJ fields lots of questions when he’s home for the holidays. Some of them are impossible to answer, but his responses are full of faith and from the heart.
Posts in Blogs
The Spark That Burned Everything: A Prison Epiphany
On this feast of Epiphany Eric Immel, SJ recounts a story of hope and light in dark places.
Away in a Manger: A Complicated Birth
Brendan Busse, SJ reflects on how the Christmas story isn’t all peace and pudding and on how deeply we need to hear it.
Born in Love: On Advent and Adoption
Eric Immel, SJ always knew he was adopted in love. Advent reminds him that he was also born there.
Measuring Change
When it feels like he has nothing to write, Keith Maczkiewicz, SJ knows something is wrong. Thank God it’s not permanent.
We Used to Be Grateful
For some it’s nutmeg and cinnamon. For others it’s cigarettes and snow. Brendan Busse, SJ reflects on memories of half-smoked cigarettes and our need of a generous thanksgiving.
To Touch and Be Touched
Eric Immel, SJ finds himself among some amorous strangers and notes within himself multiple desires: to love and serve. To touch and and to be touched.
Expect Delays: The Inefficiency of Care
Keith Maczkiewicz, SJ wasted hours in the car trying to support a friend. Turns out, it was time well spent.
Wedding Gifts and Traveling Mercies
When a happily-ever-after wedding is followed by an unexpected death in the family, Brendan Busse, SJ discovers gratitude in grief and friends in our ‘faulty’ stars.
As a Packer in Bear Country
Is the NFL still a place to find happiness? These days it can be hard to tell, but Eric Immel, SJ found something like happiness on the train after a recent game.