
All posts by Justin Grosnick, SJ

Justin Grosnick is a Jesuit from the East Coast (PA, NC, and DC are all home) and is currently studying theology in Berkeley, CA. Previously, Justin studied international relations and worked for the US Department of State. He spent the last two years living in Tomsk, Russia, but is slowly adjusting to the almost-everyday-sunshine of California. Justin is a UNC Tar Heel--born and bred--and loves sports, the outdoors, coffee, and food!

Joined in 2021   /   0 posts   /   jgrosnicksj@thejesuitpost.org

Top 10 Jesuit Events of the 2010s

Top 10 Jesuit Events of the 2010s

What a decade for the Jesuits! The 2010s included Sister Jean’s Final Four run, Missy Franklin’s gold medals, new books by James Martin, S.J., the founding of Arrupe College in Chicago, the canonization of Peter Faber, the birth of The Jesuit Post, and (oh yeah!) the election of Pope Francis. Let’s count down the TOP TEN Jesuit events of the decade.