The beginning of Social Dilemma, the recently released Netflix documentary, poses a question to set up the entire film: what is beneath all the problems we are seeing in the tech industry and the world? Computer scientist and tech ethicist, Tristan Harris, is the one...
Social Media Mirage On the screen Masses of images Saturating and staining Are seen. Pleasure and pain. Emotion A potion. Moments crystallized Mindlessly molding My mind, Morphing my imagination To desire To imitate: What I can only see now But don’t have. Through...
On the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the Holy Father, Pope Francis, released the third encyclical letter of his papacy entitled Fratelli Tutti, on fraternity and social friendship. As with Laudato Si’, the title is an Italian quotation of the pope’s saintly...
Do we continue to reject the stone that became the Cornerstone? Martin Ngo, SJ, reflects on recognizing Christ in our world today. Based on the readings for Sunday, October 4, 2020. Pop-quiz! Who are the builders that rejected the stone that became the cornerstone?...
Several of her bones were missing, still scattered somewhere in the Sonora desert. Her skeleton lay now in the morgue of the Chief Medical Examiner’s office in Tucson, Arizona. What confluence of circumstances pushed her farther into the desert to risk everything? I...
Bishop Barron recently wrote about an abyss he sees between contemporary activists and religion. “One of the most remarkable differences between the social protests of the 1960’s and those of today is that the former were done in concert with, and often under the...
In today’s gospel, Jesus asks what it means to do the Father’s will. Ian Peoples, SJ, reflects on the simple, but powerful tasks that God asks of us. Based on the readings for Sunday, September 27, 2020. Love is expressed more in actions than by words. Hi,...
It’s election season in the United States and that can be stressful for Americans for many reasons. Maybe it’s because everyone is so worried about getting into major fights with their family, friends, or random strangers on the internet, or maybe it’s because a vote...
St. John of the Cross defines contemplation as “nothing but a hidden, peaceful, loving inflow of God.”1 John’s insight that prayer is so often a hidden or secret process is something we are reticent to accept or believe. That our prayer is kept secret, even from us,...
“We who believe in freedom cannot rest until it comes,” said Pastor Rebecca Turner, echoing Ella’s Song by Sweet Honey in the Rock. It was another beautiful Sunday morning at Christ Church in Maplewood, Missouri. But for Alex García, this wasn’t just any Sunday. For...