I arrived in Belize for a month-long immersion experience in the Mayan villages of the Toledo District with only minimal background information. I would be working with several brother Jesuits to facilitate retreats for village catechists. We’d be collaborating with a...
During the period that Saint John Paul II was pope from the late 1970s through 2005, he apologized and asked forgiveness for the history of Christian slave-holding and for the injustices inflicted by colonizing Christians. In the same spirit, Pope Francis traveled to...
A simple, “Thank you,” can be a powerful prayer. Deacon Tim Breen, SJ, reflects on the importance of gratitude. Based on the readings for Sunday, October 23, 2022. Even a simple “thank you” is a profound prayer. Hi, I’m Deacon Tim Breen, and this is my One...
Our faith life is not something that we do alone. Brendan Gottschall, SJ, reminds us of the importance of relying on God and allowing others to hold us up. Based on the readings for Sunday, October 16, 2022. There is no shooting the moon in the spiritual life. Hi, I’m...
Last year, The Jesuit Post started the “Jesuit 101” series in honor of the Ignatian Year. This year, we want to continue this series and focus on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola, the heart of the Jesuits. We will explore a different aspect...
Restlessness is a gift, a gift I feel throughout the day. I feel it when I finish a season of the Great British Bake Off and want more; I feel it as I wonder what future ministries I will do after ordination, whether it will be working in a parish, a school, or with...
Currently, Lebanon is facing a variety of economic, political, and humanitarian crises. Banks have been held up by gunpoint as people demand the right to withdraw their own money. On September 22nd, a boat capsized in the Mediterranean sea causing the death of more...
This year marks the 60th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council, or Vatican II, the 21st ecumenical (or worldwide) council to have taken place in the Catholic Church. In 1959, Pope Saint John XXIII called for an ecumenical council with the purpose of bringing the...
I learned how to sing growing up Catholic in Kentucky. Perched on a kneeler with the first edition of Glory & Praise balanced on the pew in front of me, I joined in with the hymns as best I could. I watched my dad at the piano and dreamed about standing up front...
Is it enough to listen to God? Emmanuel Arenas, SJ, reminds us that after we carefully listen to the word of God, we must put those words into action. Based on the readings for Sunday, October 9, 2022. Why is listening not enough? I’m Emmanuel Arenas and this is my...