by Nick Courtney | Feb 5, 2018 | Faith & Politics, Pope Francis ~ Approx. 5 mins
When people argue about Pope Francis, how often are they really disagreeing on more fundamental issues – like the nature of the Church and who is Jesus Christ? Last Wednesday night, Ross Douthat and Massimo Faggioli, two well-known Catholic public...
by Emanuel Werner | Feb 4, 2018 | Justice, Sports ~ Approx. 3 mins
After watching one of the most ritually-rich secular events in the world, what did we take from the liturgical experience? Was it the stunning aspects of the game? The intensity of our emotions as they volleyed to and fro? The hilarity of the commercials vying for our...
by Brian Strassburger, SJ | Feb 4, 2018 | One-Minute Homily, Spirituality, Videos ~ Approx. 1 min
Everyone wants a short homily on Super Bowl Sunday. Here’s yours! Enjoy this brief, but powerful homily from Brian Strassburger, SJ. Based on the readings for Sunday, February 4, which you can find here:
by Bill McCormick, SJ | Feb 1, 2018 | Faith & Politics ~ Approx. 4 mins
Our constant invocation of the rhetoric of polarization and division can drain us of hope and blind us to new possibilities for unity. But there are opportunities for us to grow together, and we should embrace them. The Left’s New Love for Subsidiarity Subsidiarity...
by Colten Biro | Jan 31, 2018 | Blogs, Faith & Family, Spirituality ~ Approx. 4 mins
The text message read, “Meet your replacement.” Soon after, the picture arrived. I saw a litter of puppies, most playing and roaming around in the background, except for one. One puppy stood firmly with his back toward the camera, but with his head turned over his...
by David Inczauskis, SJ | Jan 29, 2018 | Faith & Politics, Justice ~ Approx. 3 mins
Criticizing the March for Life for being primarily about abortion is like criticizing Black Lives Matter for being primarily about black lives. It’s okay for a movement to seek action on a particular issue. I came to this important realization while attending the...
by David Kiblinger, SJ | Jan 28, 2018 | Catholic Writing, Papal News ~ Approx. 4 mins
Jesus once said to the apostles, “Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will preserve it for eternal life.” (John 12:25) So when a book comes out titled Happiness in this Life: A Passionate Meditation on Earthly Existence with the...
by Michael Rossmann, SJ | Jan 28, 2018 | One-Minute Homily, Uncategorized, Videos ~ Approx. 1 min
Jesus will leave us astonished…if we pay attention. Check out this week’s One-Minute Homily with Fr. Michael Rossmann, SJ. Based on the readings for Sunday, January 28.
by David Paternostro, SJ | Jan 25, 2018 | Faith & Politics, In the News, Justice ~ Approx. 3 mins
Some days, you try and have a conversation and just feel like hitting your head against a wall. It goes nowhere, you feel frustrated, and you wonder why you bothered. The last few days have been like that for me regarding immigration. A topic like this should be...
by Billy Critchley-Menor, SJ | Jan 25, 2018 | Blogs, Catholic Writing, Spirituality ~ Approx. 3 mins
A few months ago, I made an eight-day silent retreat. Following St. Ignatius’s advice, I began my prayer trying to “see myself standing before God our Lord.” Sitting in silence with closed eyes, I tried to concentrate and see God before me. Image after image slid...