Mothers and fathers are great examples of self-giving love. William Manaker, SJ, reflects on the example of parents and our call to serve one another. Based on the readings for Sunday, November 5, 2023. Want to know what true Christian leadership is? Look at a mother...
I like flying less and less. Perhaps it is because I am getting older, but the thrill I once had of “getting away” no longer holds much luster. Airport trips, I now realize, require me to arrive early – which I do not tend to do – only to wait – which I often struggle...
Can we truly be friends with God? Yes! Our call to love God is a call to a deeper relationship, which also means loving all those whom God loves. Deacon Tom Elitz, SJ, reflects on this call to greater friendship with God. Based on the readings for Sunday, October 29,...
Whose status or opinion do we care about the most? Some said that Jesus did not regard anyone’s status or opinion, but Austin Kleman, SJ, reflects on how Jesus calls us to focus on what is most important. Based on the readings for Sunday, October 22, 2023. Whose...
“Remember, Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies,” remarks Andy Dufresne in the movie Shawshank Redemption when things are at a low ebb. I remind people of this hope when they express despair at the apathy shown towards the...
A change in our plans can be frustrating, but sometimes a great invitation comes along that we can’t miss. Deacon Tom Elitz reminds us to be open to God disrupting our plans so that we don’t miss a great banquet. Based on the readings for Sunday, October 15, 2023....
Few saints have left us more extensive or intimate records of their personal spiritual lives than St. Teresa of Ávila. Her substantial contributions to 16th century religious reform are overshadowed only by her deeply rich, insightful works on the interior life of the...
“You Catholics don’t worship God, you worship Mary.” “Why are there more pictures of Mary than there are of Jesus in that church?” “Must be cool being part of a religion with a goddess.” It might surprise some, but these are all comments that I have heard first-hand....
If Laudato Si’ was a gentle and pastoral invitation to care for creation, Laudate Deum is a visceral, prophetic call to conversion. Eight years after Laudato Si’s initial publication, Pope Francis once again takes on the looming challenges of the climate crisis that...
We are meant to carry the Word of God, and the love of God, everywhere we go. That won’t always be easy. Fr. Eric Immel, SJ, reflects on the Parable of the Tenants of the Vineyard. Based on the readings for Sunday, October 8, 2023. They’re killing people in the...