by The Jesuit Post | Jul 2, 2019 | Education, In the News, Justice, Sexuality ~ Approx. 4 mins
The divides in the U.S. Catholic Church were on full display last week. While many expressed pride at being “Jesuit-educated,” we are mourning the lack of healing in our Church and the degree to which the LGBT community continues to be marginalized. The leaders of...
by Juan Ruiz, SJ | Jul 1, 2019 | Catholic Writing, Social Media, Spirituality ~ Approx. 4 mins
What makes for a meaningful apology? Apologies are difficult. They are difficult for a variety of reasons. Sometimes they are hard because we don’t know what we should say. Sometimes they are hard because we are embarrassed by what we did and by why we did it....
by Matt Stewart, SJ | Jun 28, 2019 | Catholic 101, Faith & Family ~ Approx. 9 mins
So you’re engaged…Congratulations! Now that your parents and grandparents have been called, the “He/She said yes!” photos have been posted, it’s time to get down to details. And boy there are a lot of them! Among the first of them is likely to be finding a parish...
by Billy Critchley-Menor, SJ | Jun 25, 2019 | Gender, Interview, Religious Life ~ Approx. 2 mins
More than 80 young Catholic sisters will gather at the end of this week in St. Louis for a national gathering of Giving Voice, an organization formed by and for young Catholic sisters. Giving Voice was founded in 1997 by a group of sisters looking for support from...
by Tucker Redding, SJ | Jun 23, 2019 | One-Minute Homily ~ Approx. 1 min
Jesus offers himself humbly and completely in the Eucharist. We are called to do the same for each other. This week’s One-Minute Homily is presented by Tucker Redding, SJ, and is based on the readings for Sunday, June 23, which you can find here:...
by Mike Martinez, SJ | Jun 21, 2019 | Humor, Pop Culture, Spirituality ~ Approx. 6 mins
During these summer days many are going to consider renewing their commitments to that legendary “Summer Bod”… But what about that “Summer Soul”? Are they more connected than we think? The connection between physical and spiritual exercise is nothing new. St....
by Eric Immel, SJ | Jun 19, 2019 | Blogs, Sexuality ~ Approx. 4 mins
This post is edited from its original, published on April 8, 2014 – Fine By Me: An All-Embracing Love *** The first time a friend came out to me, I was shopping for a Campbell’s Soup Can costume at a Target in St. Louis. As I searched for a means to disguise...
by Bill McCormick, SJ | Jun 17, 2019 | Global Catholicism, Pope Francis, Spirituality, The Jesuits ~ Approx. 2 mins
La Civiltà Cattolica has released an English-language translation of the conversation between Pope Francis and local Jesuits in his recent visit to Romania. Francis often meets with Jesuits in his global travels, and the conversation are always worth reading. In this...
by Michael Rossmann, SJ | Jun 16, 2019 | Uncategorized ~ Approx. 1 min
We know who we’re called to be by looking at our Triune God, says Fr. Michael Rossmann, S.J. in this week’s One-Minute Homily based on the readings for Trinity Sunday, which can be found here.
by Sean Barry, SJ | Jun 14, 2019 | Film, Pop Culture, TV ~ Approx. 3 mins
Last week, people around the world commemorated the 75th anniversary of the D-Day invasion at Normandy in World War II. The numerous celebrations were a fitting recognition for those men who gave their lives in the pursuit of freedom. We have dealt with those who have...