Our Good Friday ‘Wake Up Call’

by | Apr 10, 2020 | Film, Holy Week, Lent, Music, Pop Culture, Prayers, The Jesuits, Videos

On this Good Friday, let us ask for the grace that the pain of the cross may be our ‘wake up call’ to the pain of the world.

I invite us to prayerfully reflect upon the images, lyrics and sounds of this music video I produced in response to this global pandemic. 

What image/s is God using to speak to us today?

… The looming shadow of the cross,

The suffering caused by the virus as another drop of blood from the cross,

Coronavirus has become our world,

A quarantined altar with yellow tape,

Christ’s body on a stretcher and ventilator,

Priests celebrating masses on the digital altars of the internet,

Solemn images from the extraordinary ‘Urbi et Orbi’ blessing from Pope Francis on March 27, 2020… 

All this closes with the words of Jesus to his frightened apostles: “Peace be with you” 1

Points for Prayer

  1. As we crown Christ the King with the painful crown of thorns, we ask ourselves what/whom do we “crown” in our own lives? This coronavirus (which in Latin means “crown”) may be an invitation for us to further reflect on our priorities. What or whom are those false idols in our life?
  2. At this moment, the virus has claimed over 90,000 lives. In the midst of this pandemic, what are the other social illnesses we are avoiding? For example, 8,400 children die of hunger everyday 2, 26 million refugees in the globe 3, 37 million infected with HIV 4, 785 million don’t have access to clean water. 5 What social ill are we being called to confront in our community?
  3. Do we recognize the suffering of others as Christ being crucified today? What can we do to help Jesus on the cross right now? 

During this particularly painful Good Friday, we are called to consider the three fundamental questions St. Ignatius asked retreatants to contemplate as they imagine Christ crucified on the cross: 

What have I done for Christ?

What am I doing for Christ?

What will I do for Christ? 6

In response to these questions, the Society of Jesus worldwide has compiled an official list of Jesuit initiatives for us to pray and act upon during this COVID-19 global pandemic.


Mike Martinez, SJ

mmartinezsj@thejesuitpost.org   /   All posts by Mike
