We can all feel a bit stuck in our routines and habits from time to time. We are all in need of growth and renewal. Fr. James Martin, SJ, offers some tips on how to let God renew us.

All posts by James Martin, SJ
James Martin, SJ, is a Jesuit priest, editor at large of America Media and consultor to the Vatican’s Dicastery for Communication. His new book is Learning to Pray.
Joined in 2012 jamesmartinsj@thejesuitpost.org @JamesMartinSJ
13 postsThe Bay of Parables
An exclusive excerpt from Jesus: A Pilgrimage by James Martin, SJ
Los cinco mejores consejos que me han dado como jesuita
Quitándose el maquillaje de la cara después de su presentación en televisión, Jim Martin nos comparte los majores consejos que ha recibido como Jesuita.
Sabes que eres jesuita cuando…
En la fiesta de todos los Santos y Beatos Jesuitas, James Martin nos ofrece una lista de 12 momentos en que los Jesuitas concluyen: “Así es, soy Jesuita.”
You Know You’re a Jesuit When…
On this feast of all the Jesuit saints and blesseds, James Martin arrives with a list of the top 12 moments when Jesuits finally realize: “yep, I’m a Jesuit.”
Worth Reading: “Saints John Paul II and John XXIII”
Over at America James Martin has written about the dual canonization of Sts. John Paul II and John XXIII.
Habemus Me, or Twelve Reasons Why I Should Be Pope
James Martin announces his candidacy for the sede vacante with twelve absolutely serious qualifications.
Top Five for 2013 – Easy Things for a Happier Year
James Martin offers up his top 5 you can do to be a little happier.
A Thanksgiving Prayer for Everyone
Fr. Jim Martin offers a prayer for one and all this Thanksgiving.