What Pilots Can Teach Us About Prayer

What Pilots Can Teach Us About Prayer

I like flying less and less. Perhaps it is because I am getting older, but the thrill I once had of “getting away” no longer holds much luster. Airport trips, I now realize, require me to arrive early – which I do not tend to do – only to wait – which I often struggle...
Catholic 101: Do Catholics Worship Mary?

Catholic 101: Do Catholics Worship Mary?

“You Catholics don’t worship God, you worship Mary.” “Why are there more pictures of Mary than there are of Jesus in that church?” “Must be cool being part of a religion with a goddess.”  It might surprise some, but these are all comments that I have heard first-hand....
How Chaplains Heal the Beleaguered Self

How Chaplains Heal the Beleaguered Self

Prayer as the unveiling of the heart “Hi, I’m Chaplain James. Is there a way I can support you this morning?” The man had asked his nurse to page a chaplain, so I suspected that his looming surgery was weighing heavily on his heart, but I wanted to hear the request...