by Chris Williams, SJ | Aug 26, 2020 | Art, Blogs, Prayers, Spirituality ~ Approx. 1min
Why do we sometimes practice religion Even when it means, At times, Substituting and sacrificing In its name A beautiful vision? Immanence All around Immense, And profound. People and Color and Surprise and Laughter and Drinks and Food and Family and Friends and...
by Chris Williams, SJ | Jul 15, 2020 | Blogs, Prayers, Spirituality ~ Approx. 2min
What will bring you home, my beloved? You stand before Me, But Your gaze does not meet mine. Your eyes are frantic, darting, searching. I’m right here. Can’t you see Me? I know another like you. He was blind. My Son touched him, And he saw, but at first still...
by Jason McCreery | Feb 21, 2020 | Amazon Synod, Art, Catholic Writing, Current Events, Events, In the News, Justice, Papal News, Pop Culture, Pope Francis, Topics ~ Approx. 4 mins
Two weeks ago, Pope Francis released his post-synodal exhortation, Querida Amazonia. TJP – as well as many others – has published reflections and inspirations that have grown out of this attentive, patient, and poetic document. But I want to focus on what...
by Chris Williams, SJ | Jan 29, 2020 | Blogs, Prayers, Spirituality ~ Approx. 2 mins
Bow your head to the God who made you. Accept the commandments Forged on Mt. Sinai. Or, will you build a golden calf To be everything you want? Will you turn back to Egypt, Where you were enslaved, And where you had cucumbers, leeks, melons, and garlic? 1 Or, will you...
by Chris Williams, SJ | Dec 18, 2019 | Blogs, Spirituality ~ Approx. 2min
I don’t want to brag but…I do. Today my student described me as Confusing, calm, laid back, understanding. A good teacher. Another craned his neck to the sky and shouted over everyone, “He’s going to say my wedding!” I’ve heard it said that I’m their favorite teacher....