Smartphone notifications often make me feel like a marionette, like I’m attached to a thousand strings pulling at me all at once. Text messages, phone calls, emails, and social media alerts seem to be endless, leading some recent researchers to point out that these...
In his first public miracle, Jesus quietly provides for the needs of the hosts at the wedding at Cana. Christopher Smith, SJ, reflects on the ways that Jesus similarly provides for us, sometimes when we aren’t even aware of it. Based on the readings for Sunday,...
Each day I am at Belize Central Prison, I pray a Hail Mary during my walk from the youth facility to the rehabilitation center.1 Sometimes, I pray more than one. But at the very least, as soon as I part ways with Ian, my fellow Jesuit regent and companion, “Hail...
When I got COVID, I had to start asking for things in a new way. Like so many, I was confined to my room for about one week. While the internet and good books, along with phone calls and Facetime, can occupy my time as much as anyone’s, during meal times I felt...
I began writing fiction during the pandemic last year. Fiction has been a way for me to inhabit other worlds in ways that bring me more deeply into a reality beyond myself. This story is dedicated to my mom and many other women who have taught me about spiritual...