Sometimes we need to be a little bit persistent in prayer.
Consuming Creation: The Ecological Toll of Animal Agriculture
The damage inflicted by animal agriculture is often ignored, but its impact on God’s creation is undeniable. Daniel Mascarenhas, SJ, argues that Christians cannot settle for an “out of sight, out of mind” approach to the ecological crisis.
Being Creative Enough: Lessons from a Mexican Jesuit Parish on Vibrant Youth Ministry
In today’s environment, cultivating a vibrant youth ministry can feel like an uphill battle. Beto Guzmán, SJ shares insights from his work at a Mexican Jesuit parish, offering creative, hope-filled ways to make the Church a home for young people.
Sitting Down with My Dad to Talk About Synodality: Part Two
What is at the heart of the Synod on Synodality? Dan Finucane, SJ, sits down with his father, theologian Dr. Dan Finucane, to discuss Dan SJ’s experience at the Synod on Synodality.
8 Ways Jesuits & Jedi Are Alike, and 3 Ways They’re Not
It’s finally here! The long awaited premiere of Star Wars: The Force Awakens! While the entire TJP staff headed out to wait in long lines at the theater because we forgot to buy advance tickets (hey - this was finals week and we’re almost all grad students!), it did...
Star [Wars] of Wonder!
In his debut piece, Joe Kraemer, SJ is getting super excited for what is about to come…and it might not be what you’d expect.
The Merits of a Re-Make
Sean Barry, SJ examines the recent trend of HD remastered video games.
Shopping Around
In Part 4 of the Adventure-series, Keith Maczkiewicz, SJ finds himself shopping around – for gifts and for parishes – and discovers the importance of the present.
Fine by Me? The Grace of a Traffic Ticket
Who doesn’t *love* getting pulled over? Alex Llanera, SJ explores how even a traffic ticket became an occasion for grace.
The Great Holiday Bake-Off, Pt. 2
Jason Downer SJ continues his investigation into the Great Holiday Bake-Off. This week, if they’re baking cake, why do they keep talking about sponges?