The Gospel has got to be the strangest blockbuster hit of all time.
Posts in One-Minute Homily
Pentecost: The Holy Spirit Unites Us | One-Minute Homily
Come, Holy Spirit!
It’s Still Easter and Things are About to Get Better | One-Minute Homily
Jesus tells his disciples that he is sending an Advocate to be with us always. Jeff Ryan Miraflor, SJ, reflects on this message of hope in this week's One-Minute Homily. Based on the readings for Sunday, May 17. Christ is Risen! It’s still...
Don’t Let Your Hearts Be Troubled | One-Minute Homily
There are many things that can trouble us right now, but Fr. Joe Laramie, SJ, reminds us of these words of Jesus: "Do not let your hearts be troubled." Based on the readings for Sunday, May 10, 2020. Put your hand on your heart. What do...
The Good Shepherd: Hearing the Voice of the Shepherd
The good shepherd calls to his sheep by name. Damian Torres-Botello, SJ, reflects on how we learn to recognize the voice of the shepherd in this week's One-Minute Homily. Based on the readings for Sunday, May 03, 2020. Shepherds, sheep,...
The Road to Emmaus: Encounter with Jesus | One-Minute Homily
The story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus reminds us that Jesus is always willing to take time to encounter us and draw us closer to himself. Eric Immel, SJ, reflects in this week's One-Minute Homily, based on the readings for Sunday, April 26, 2020....
Jesus Visits His Mother After the Resurrection | One-Minute Homily
Who wouldn’t visit their mom after being gone for a while?
Judas and the Price of Betrayal | One-Minute Homily
Judas had a price. Do we? There are things that we might put before our relationship with God, but Damian Torres-Botello, SJ, reminds us that there is always hope in Christ.
Raising Lazarus: Death and New Life | One-Minute Homily
Life is sweet. But Death stinks.
The Man Born Blind: An Encounter with Jesus | One-Minute Homily
How do we get to know Jesus? Well, talk to him! Eric Immel, SJ, talks about Jesus, the blind man, and what it means to encounter Jesus in this week’s One-Minute Homily.