Change – even good change – is often difficult and unsettling.
Posts in One-Minute Homily
The Good Shepherd and His Flock | One-Minute Homily
Jesus is the Good Shepherd that lays down his life for his sheep. Josef Rodriguez, SJ, reflects on the love of our shepherd and the love that we must show others.
Jesus Suffers with Us and Rises for Us | One-Minute Homily
Jesus’ resurrection lets us know that pain and suffering never have the final word. Hunter D’Armond, SJ, reflects on Jesus’ appearance to the disciples in this week’s One-Minute Homily.
The Incredulous Thomas: Seeing through Witness | One-Minute Homily
Seeing is believing, right? Or is it?
An Easter Parable: Jesus’ Alligator Story | One-Minute Homily
Jesus is Risen! Alleluia! Today we celebrate the triumph of the resurrection over sin and death.
Palm Sunday: Carrying the Cross | One-Minute Homily
What can Simon of Cyrene teach us about the Passion?
The Annunciation: Praying with Botticelli’s Mary | One-Minute Homily
We all have a calling from God – a vocation. On this Feast of the Annunciation, Christopher Alt, SJ, explores Mary’s own vocation story through Botticelli’s art.
Be a Grain of Wheat | One-Minute Homily
What does it mean to be like a grain of wheat? Hunter D’Armond, SJ, reflects on those whose selflessness gives life to others, giving his mom as a prime example.
Jesus: Step into the Light | One-Minute Homily
Jesus calls us to step into the light.
Thou Shall Not…Miss the Point | One-Minute Homily
Why does Jesus get upset with people in the Temple? They keep missing the point.