Is it time to check your heart? Jordan Jones, SJ, reflects on how our speech reflects what is in our heart. Based on the readings from the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time.
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Choosing Mercy over Resentment | One-Minute Homily
What does it mean to love your enemies? Eric Panicco, SJ, reflects on how people of faith are called to choose mercy over resentment. Based on the readings for the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Flipping the World Around | One-Minute Homily
Has Christ turned your world right-side up? Deacon Tommy O’Donnell, SJ, reflects on how Christians are called to transform the world by staying close to Jesus. Based on the readings for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Into Deeper Waters | One-Minute Homily
Peter was called into deeper waters by Jesus and was astonished at the miraculous catch of fish. Fr. Michael Mohr, SJ, reflects on how when we respond to the Lord’s call, we can expect to be astonished. Based on the readings for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time.
God’s Abundant Generosity | One-Minute Homily
Jesus’s mission was to proclaim God’s abundant love and generosity to the poor and suffering. Eric Pannico, SJ, reflects on how we are called to imitate Jesus in opening our hearts to God’s people. Based on the readings for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time.
God Wants Us to Be Transformed| One-Minute Homily
Jesus’s first miracle was turning water into wine. Deacon Tommy O’Donnell, SJ, reflects on how we Jesus transforms our lives into something extraordinary. Based on the readings for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time.
What are you waiting for? | One-Minute Homily
Are you “filled with expectation” when you think about the Lord? Fr. Michael Mohr, SJ, reflects on how Christ’s Baptism is a sign of our salvation. Based on the readings for the Baptism of the Lord.
The Captivating Power of Christ | One-Minute Homily
Why did the three kings travel from far away to see Jesus? Jordan Jones, SJ, reflects on how the heart of Christ draws all people to Himself. Based on the readings for The Epiphany of the Lord.
Saying “Yes” Means Letting Go | One-Minute Homily
Oftentimes, saying “yes” means letting go of what we’re accustomed to. Fr. Joseph Dickan, SJ, reflects on how the Holy Family’s “yes” to Jesus’s emerging identity is an act of trust in God’s providential guidance. Based on the readings for the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
Listen to Your Mother | One-Minute Homily
Would you recognize Mary’s voice if she were knocking at your door? Conan Rainwater, SJ, reflects on the importance of drawing close to our Mother Mary in these final days of Advent. Based on the readings for the Fourth Sunday of Advent.