The Muppets, Kung Fu Panda, Sponge Bob and St. Ignatius? One of these things is not like the others. Perry Petrich highlights prayer for short attention spans.
Posts in Uncategorized
Prayer Monster: Contemplation After Gaga
Speaking in the biblical sense, Eric Sundrup tackles the effects of too much YouTube on contemplation.
Divine Dining?
Tim O’Brien wants to know if you can get to a man’s heart through his stomach, can you also get to God?
There and Back Again
Bored with weepy vampires and needy werewolves? Join Sam Sawyer as he wanders back into J.R.R. Tolkein’s Middle Earth.
A Rose by Any Other Name
Our Jim Keane argues persuasively that all Jim Keanes are ne’er-do-wells. How does our forgiving God feel about this?
Why I Feel Guilty Watching Downton Abbey, or That Creamy English Charm
Why is Jim Martin’s childlike joy over Downton Abbey’s return tinged with just a scoche of guilt? Read on at your own risk.
Science & the Meaning of Life
Flouting the very public mediocrity of his editors, Matt Dunch calls us all to excellence, saying “mediocrity has no place in the Ignatian worldview.”
The Five Best Pieces of Jesuit Wisdom I’ve Ever Heard
Still wiping television makeup off his face, Jim Martin joins us at TJP to share his top five pieces of Jesuit wisdom.
Who Writes Your Operating System?
Sam Sawyer mines the baby-video-on-YouTube genre for some insights into how God engineers the soul.
Practice Makes Perfect: Ignatius and The Big Game
Having just awoken from what must have been a buffalo-wing and guacamole induced trance, staff writer Peter Folan asks of this year’s Super Bowl, “Wait, were those highlights from the last one?”