Amongst the 5,001 things that B16’s resignation has prompted is a conversation between Michael Rossmann and his Tanzanian students about their hopes for the Church.
Posts in Papal News
Interpreting the Papal Resignation
As Benedict resigns today, Pau Vidal, SJ – a priest who lives and works in one of the largest refugee camps in the world – has seen a clue in the models of faith the Pope provided on Ash Wednesday.
What Makes for “Papabile Autentico”
Peter Folan asks what it is that ought to make one “papabile.”
Habemus Me, or Twelve Reasons Why I Should Be Pope
James Martin announces his candidacy for the sede vacante with twelve absolutely serious qualifications.
Predicting the Pope, or Vatican Paging Nate Silver
Matt Spotts is here to talk about why you and he probably won’t predict the next pope.
(Non) Habemus Papam: Papal News Roundup
Looking to catch up on news and reaction about Pope Benedict’s resignation? Tim O’Brien has got you covered.
The Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI
Pope Benedict XVI has announced his resignation of the Chair of St. Peter. What does it mean and where can you learn more? Paddy Gilger explores.