Spadaro, Figueroa, and Pope Francis on the Prosperity Gospel
Posts in Current Events
State-Sponsored Terror in Nicaragua Strikes the Church
Danielista paramilitary agents punch a bishop and shoot at a parish.
Abuse of Trust: The Church and the Betrayal of God’s People
Wanted: New Saints. All Invited to Apply.
A Wall of Shame, A World of Difference
From Lima to America, a Reflection on Walls
“The New Colossus”
Do we still welcome the “huddled masses yearning to breathe free”?
Cardinal Sin: Another Dismal Failure
In light of new accusations of clerical sexual abuse, how can the whole Church respond to the sin in its midst?
Anti-Family Republicans?
Has the GOP chosen Trump over its own Christian values?
Rebirth and Rekindling: Sister Rejane Cytacki on Eco-Justice and Religious Life
Discernment, Eco-Justice, and the Paradox of Hope.
The Wonder of the World Cup
Join the world in a celebration of beauty.
Service After College
Have you ever considered long-term volunteer service after college? It might ruin you for life.