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Posts in Current Events
A Wall of Shame, A World of Difference
From Lima to America, a Reflection on Walls
“The New Colossus”
Do we still welcome the “huddled masses yearning to breathe free”?
Cardinal Sin: Another Dismal Failure
In light of new accusations of clerical sexual abuse, how can the whole Church respond to the sin in its midst?
Anti-Family Republicans?
Has the GOP chosen Trump over its own Christian values?
Rebirth and Rekindling: Sister Rejane Cytacki on Eco-Justice and Religious Life
Discernment, Eco-Justice, and the Paradox of Hope.
The Wonder of the World Cup
Join the world in a celebration of beauty.
Service After College
Have you ever considered long-term volunteer service after college? It might ruin you for life.
This is America
Goodbye for good to Goodell and the NFL
Our News Blind Spots
What news stories have you missed?