Posts in Current Events

Top 10 Jesuit Events of the 2010s

Top 10 Jesuit Events of the 2010s

What a decade for the Jesuits! The 2010s included Sister Jean’s Final Four run, Missy Franklin’s gold medals, new books by James Martin, S.J., the founding of Arrupe College in Chicago, the canonization of Peter Faber, the birth of The Jesuit Post, and (oh yeah!) the election of Pope Francis. Let’s count down the TOP TEN Jesuit events of the decade.

Recap of the Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice 2019

Recap of the Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice 2019

This weekend in Washington DC was the Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice hosted by the Ignatian Solidarity Network. Two thousand students came from high schools and colleges around the country, along with a handful of international delegations. The theme for 2019 was “Radical Hope and Prophetic Action” and the event featured keynote speakers Sr. Peggy O’Neill, S.C., from the Center of Arts for Peace in El Salvador, Marcia Chatelain, Ph.D., from Georgetown University, and Reyna Montoya, CEO of Aliento.
