Netflix’s new documentary “The Social Dilemma” paints a scary picture of how the tech industry, particularly social media, is having severe negative effects on society. And the lack of objective truth is the cause.
Posts in Current Events
An Overview of Fratelli Tutti
On Sunday, Pope Francis released the third encyclical of his papacy entitled “Fratelli Tutti,” on fraternity and social friendship. An encyclical is one of the highest ranking documents from a Pope. In this lengthy letter, he offers critiques of populism, neoliberalism, and militarized borders. He restates a rejection of the death penalty. He calls on all people to recognize and live out our common fraternity. Read this article for a complete overview.
A Simple Vote? It’s More Complicated Than That.
As I write this post, my absentee ballot is sitting next to me, still blank. There are Catholics who say the choice is simple. There is only one issue that matters. But the stories I heard suggest it is more complicated.
Responding to Bishop Barron: Racism, Not Postmodernism, is the Reason for the Abyss.
Bishop Barron says an abyss has developed between religion and protest movements since the 1960s and sees postmodern philosophy as the cause. However, the divide, which is not new, is more complex than that and its cause is not postmodernism, but racism.
Do Your Research. Discern Your Vote. Stop Condemning Others.
As some Catholic leaders pick sides, the faithful should do their research, keep an open mind, and show the love of Christ in the midst of our divided politics.
Wearing a Mask is an Act of Love and Justice
After six months of pandemic, it may be tempting to slack off in our diligence, but remember your neighbor and keep wearing a mask!
An Updated Resource: the TJP Curriculum Guide
TJP has an updated resource to share! Last Spring, we debuted the TJP Curriculum Guide. This guide includes articles and videos published by TJP, organized into twenty different themes, with hyperlinks to the content. This can be useful in classrooms, for retreats, for faculty formation, or however else you might find helpful. Check out the list of themes and download the updated TJP Curriculum Guide.
Not Even in a War Zone: Police Brutality, Armed Conflict, and the Use of Violence
The brutal killings of Black people by police would have been considered war crimes in the military context.
What the Prophetic Words of Jeremiah Call Us to Today
America first! Black Lives Matter! Law and order. Structures of oppression. Amid the turmoil of our world today, the words of the great Old Testament prophet Jeremiah continue to speak to us. What does he call us to today?
Chadwick Boseman Forever
Black Panther fans around the world were saddened to learn of the death of 43-year-old actor Chadwick Boseman last week. He played in several iconic roles, and in each of these films Boseman portrayed a dignity that he carried with him offscreen.