Alex Llanera, S.J. argues that the “boring” nominees for vice president, Tim Kaine and Mike Pence, are exactly what the U.S. needs right now.
Posts in Faith & Politics
Politics and God, Part II: Catholic and Democrat?
Bill McCormick, SJ asks, is the Catholic Church and Democratic party moving back together, or continuing to part ways?
More Than Spanish: 7 Things a VP Candidate Might Learn From a Year of Service Abroad
Hillary Clinton announced Jesuit-educated Tim Kaine as her running mate last weekend and the media went wild. Brendan Busse, SJ shines some light on what the popular stories are missing.
Politics and God, Part I: Catholic and Republican?
In this season of national conventions, Bill McCormick, SJ asks us to consider our religious and political affiliations. How can one be both a “good Catholic” and a good member of one’s political party?
What Can Words Do?
Paddy Gilger, SJ and Matt Spotts, SJ found themselves asking what good it does to write and think in the wake of the violence experienced over the last few days.
Border Time
Bill McCormick, SJ explains what it is like to grow up on the US-Mexico border, where “time is greater than space.”
Yes, I Belong Here: Dan Berrigan, SJ
Luke Hansen shares his encouraging personal letter from peace activist Dan Berrigan, SJ.
Loving to Hate: Reflections on Anger in Public Discourse
Bill McCormick, SJ considers what anger in politics does to us, and what anger keeps us from doing in our desires for justice.
Choosing Solidarity Over Slacktivism
Colten Biro, SJ writes about his own struggle with slacktivism, justice, and politics.
The Ides Have It: When the Party’s Over, Part II
Beware the Ides of March! In light of the primaries on March 15th, Bill McCormick considers what a Trump candidacy might spell for the GOP in 2016 — and beyond.