The damage inflicted by animal agriculture is often ignored, but its impact on God’s creation is undeniable. Daniel Mascarenhas, SJ, argues that Christians cannot settle for an “out of sight, out of mind” approach to the ecological crisis.
Posts in Creation
Cooperating with Evil: Our Complicity in the Torture of Animals
A vast majority of our animal-based foods come from the cruel practice of factory farming. Daniel Mascarenhas, SJ explores how our Catholic faith ought to inspire us to refrain from cooperating with this evil.
Persevering in Conversion: After the Cannonball Moment comes the Thorny Path
The story of Saint Ignatius reminds us to always trust in God’s goodness and graces for the unknown twists and turns of life. In the footsteps of Ignatius this summer, Daniel Mascarenhas, SJ reflects how he found this saint’s example helps him navigate the difficult spiritual and practical realities following his conversion to a plant-based diet.
The Reality of Cheap Chicken and the Overlooked Misery of our Animals
Many people eat chicken without knowing the harrowing realities of factory farms. Daniel questions whether Christians, in light of the Beatitude to show mercy, can continue to eat factory-sourced meat.
What Ought I Do About My Carbon Footprint?
Care for creation is a massive undertaking, but that does not mean we can shirk our responsibility, as Pope Francis reminds us in his recent exhortation Laudate Deum.
Waiting in Hope for Universal Kindness
As Christians, we have a hope in God’s coming kingdom that Jesus preached. That kingdom encompasses all creation, including all animals.
Laudate Deum: An Overview
Eight years after Laudato Si, Pope Francis has published a new document on the environment, Laudate Deum. Nate Cortas, SJ offers an overview of how Francis reasserts our shared call to care for our common home.
Learning Compassion from Children
Why do we expect a young girl to cry over a pet goat she must give up for slaughter but not over the animals we eat on a daily basis? Compassion for all God’s creation should motivate us to consider more deeply the ways we relate to all animals, not only some of them.
Cheer up, Captain Kirk! There’s hope for us yet
William Shatner made a memorable trip into space. For Earth Day, Pablo reflects on how Shatner’s response to the trip reinforces just how much we rely on God as creature of the world.
Integral Ecology Lessons from Chiapas’s Tzeltal people
Do you know what ‘integral ecology’ means? Pope Francis talks about its importance in his landmark encyclical “Laudato Si,” written in 2015. Learn how an indigenous community is living out a vision of integral ecology to uphold not only their culture but creation as well.