Happy Easter! In this final talk of our Lenten Retreat, we focus on the joy of the resurrection. The resurrection accounts remind us that Jesus meets us where we’re at to bring us to greater joy and freedom.

All posts by David Kiblinger, SJ
David is a Jesuit in his second go-round studying philosophy, this time at the University of Notre Dame. He's adjusting to cooler temperatures after spending two years teaching middle school algebra in San Juan, PR. Originally from southeast Missouri, he enjoys everything academic from math to theology. However, he is at his most passionate when discussing sports, especially anything related to the St. Louis Cardinals.
Joined in 2017 dkiblingersj@thejesuitpost.org
11 postsTalk 7: No Greater Love | Lenten Retreat 2022
Jesus laid down his life on the cross for our sake. This is a great act of love, but it is also an event filled with sorrow and pain. In this talk of our Lenten Retreat, David reflects on how we can pray with the crucifixion.
Talk 6: I Call You Friends | Lenten Retreat 2022
It is easy to accompany Jesus in the good times, but it’s much tougher to accompany him in hard times. In our Lenten Retreat, David invites us to accompany Jesus in the moments leading to his Passion.
Talk 5: Loving as Jesus Loved | Lenten Retreat 2022
Jesus told his disciples, “Love one another as I love you.” In this week’s talk of our Lenten Retreat, David explores the way that Jesus treats others in scripture. Jesus gives us an example of expansive, inclusive love.
Talk 4: The True Vine | Lenten Retreat 2022
Jesus says that he is the true vine. That must mean there are false vines out there too. In this talk, David introduces the meditation on the Two Standards and reflects on the things that draw us closer or further from Christ.
Talk 3: Chosen to Bear Fruit | Lenten Retreat 2022
Our online retreat moves into the Second Week of the Spiritual Exercises, when we focus on following Christ who calls us to help build up the Kingdom of God. This call can be exciting and motivating at first, but we can become lukewarm over time. David reflects on advice from Pope Francis and the example of Mary to persevere in faith.
Talk 2: A Pruned Branch | Lenten Retreat 2022
In the second talk of our Lenten Retreat, David reflects on the First Week/Theme of the Spiritual Exercises. The goal in this part of the Exercises is to recognize that we are sinners that are loved deeply by God. David reflects on the difficult, but important process of pruning as he goes deeper into the theme of the Vine and the Branches.
Talk 1: Remain in my Love | Lenten Retreat 2022
Today’s talk introduces the retreat theme, “The Vine and the Branches,” and gives an overview of the purpose of the Spiritual Exercises. David reflects on how God communicates God’s love by speaking to the heart.
The Vine and the Branches: An Online Lenten Retreat
Lent is almost here and we have a way to help you pray throughout the season. David Kiblinger, SJ, will be giving this year’s Online Lenten Retreat. A new talk will be released every week starting on March 5th. This year’s theme is “The Vine and the Branches.” Join us!