On this Solemnity of Corpus Christi (the Body and Blood of Jesus), Christopher Smith, SJ, reminds us of the great gift that we have in the Eucharist.

All posts by Christopher Smith, SJ
A native of Western North Carolina, Christopher Smith was raised Quaker but converted to Catholicism after becoming captivated by the beauty of his local church. He was drawn to the Society of Jesus by reading Walter Ciszek's "With God in Russia." By God's grace, he entered novitiate in 2015. Currently, he teaches biology and chemistry as a first year regent at Gonzaga College High School in Washington DC. He enjoys (very) long walks, trying to "teach" himself piano (sometimes), and getting lost in Wikipedia rabbit holes about scientific/Catholic minutiae.
Joined in 2021 cvsmithsj@thejesuitpost.org
9 postsThey Will Know We Are Christians | One-Minute Homily
How do you identify a Christian? While there might be many answers to that question, Christopher Smith, SJ, reflects on the one answer that Jesus gives in today’s gospel.
The Resurrection Changes Everything | One-Minute Homily
The Resurrection doesn’t erase our pain and confusion, but it does give us new hope. Christopher Smith, SJ, reflects on Easter Sunday and the Resurrection.
Living for Today: The Day of Salvation | One-Minute Homily
We never know when our time will come, but we don’t need to live in fear. Christopher Smith, SJ, reflects on the importance of living like today is the day of our salvation.
Turn the Other Cheek: Learning to Let Go | One-Minute Homily
“Turn the other cheek.” We’ve heard this teaching so much that we might forget how radical it is. Christopher Smith, SJ, reflects on how we might put it into practice.
The Wedding at Cana: Jesus Provides for Us | One-Minute Homily
In his first public miracle, Jesus quietly provides for the needs of the hosts at the wedding at Cana. Christopher Smith, SJ, reflects on the ways that Jesus similarly provides for us, sometimes when we aren’t even aware of it.
Papal Infallibility and the Assumption: What difference does the location of Mary’s body make?
The Assumption matters because it reminds us, with almost embarrassing boldness, of the shocking materiality of Catholic belief in the afterlife.
The Holy Squad of Women Who Nurtured My Faith
Though they may have died, wherever the Eucharist is celebrated, the souls of our loved ones are present.
For a Church That is Unafraid to Welcome Black People
A certain memory of Peter Claver is often used by Catholics to distance themselves from actually engaging in ministry or relationships with Black Americans. Yet this false image of Claver, rather than absolving Catholics of their responsibilities towards Black people, is rather an even more scathing indictment of our indifference. Our image of Claver is a call to all of us Catholics to be who he was not.