I was reading the very first pages of Martin Hengel’s book Studies in Early Christianity for Christology class, and all I could think of were the aliens from the movie Toy Story. The hypnosis of the aliens regarding the claw, seems comical. They cannot see past it. It...
Today is Holy Trinity Sunday! The concept and theology of the Trinity can be quite complex. Fr. Danny Gustafson, SJ, makes it a little simpler in this week’s One-Minute Homily. Based on the readings for Sunday, June 12, 2022. It’s…it’s Holy Trinity Sunday…and I...
The following reflection is part of our “Jesuit 101” series, celebrating the Ignatian Year. This piece helps us to better understand the vocation of Jesuit Brothers. To learn more, check out our explainer article: “Jesuit 101: Jesuit Brothers. Synodality: For many...
This is the thirteenth installment of A Deacon’s Diary. In the twelfth installment, Steve wasn’t sure if he was excited for his impending ordination. I. I get up early-ish and sit at the blue-clothed dining table in the half-light of morning. Unfussy in my pajamas...
As Jesus prepared the disciples for his Ascension, he told them: “Now I am going to the one who sent me…but because I tell you this, grief has filled your hearts.” Two weeks ago, 11 seniors and I had the opportunity to travel to Buffalo for a service immersion trip....
In June 2017, I had the occasion to meet the eminent Jesuit historian Fr. John Padberg, who died just a few months ago at age 95. I was a Jesuit novice at the time, toward the beginning of my journey in religious life. Knowing Fr. Padberg was such an esteemed Jesuit...
Come Holy Spirit! On Pentecost Sunday we celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit. Tucker Redding, SJ, reflects on the Spirit’s ability to bring us together and compel us to action. Based on the readings for Sunday, June 5, 2022. Lord, send out your Spirit, and...
One of the most common questions a Jesuit gets asked, especially when he is a younger man, is: “Why?” – “Why do you want to be a Jesuit?” “Why do you want to be a priest?” For the majority of Jesuits those questions are variations of the same point: their desire...
And the crowd goes wild “Well, I’ve never seen anything like this before,” I muttered. After a real slobberknocker that sent a player to the turf and the crowd howling, the athletic director stormed onto the field, stared down the crowd, and began to speak. “This is...
After entering the Jesuits, I had to transform my relationship with the world of art. Art, especially religious art, has been present in my life since I was two years old. Religious art has been my passion since early on: It marks my way of relating to the surrounding...