Podcasting Priests?!

Podcasting Priests?!

Catholic Stuff You Should Know (CSYSK) is a podcast started by a group of priests inspired by Pope Benedict XVI’s call for Catholics to use modern media for the purposes of evangelization. In the following interview, Fr. Michael O’Loughlin describes CSYSK and the...
A Prayer of Snowfall

A Prayer of Snowfall

I notice a pirouette of snowflakes within the heavy, constant snowfall outside my window. As snow cakes upon the window ledge, the tree branches, and the ground, I feel a wintry mix of chill and delight. I sit in a puffy-comfy recliner which swallows me, not allowing...
“Open Wide Our Hearts”

“Open Wide Our Hearts”

This past week’s March for Life was marred by an incident involving Catholic high school boys and a Native American protester. One would never have guessed from the ensuing coverage that the US bishops had recently put out a letter on racism, which includes not only a...